song pays tribute to the generosity and boundless compassion of Mme. Jeanne
Planche, who played a very major role in Brassens’ life. Although she was thirty years his
senior and a married woman, they became lovers when Georges was about nineteen
or twenty and their loving relationship continued until the end of her life. She gave him a refuge when he had to
go in hiding during the war and also gave him the initial support that made his
musical career possible. The
biographical references in this song are discussed below in my translation
Chez Jeanne, la Jeanne,
Son auberge est ouverte aux
gens sans feu ni lieu,(1)
S'il n'en existait déjà une,
Chez Jeanne, la Jeanne,
La Jeanne,
la Jeanne,
La Jeanne,
la Jeanne,
La Jeanne,
la Jeanne,
Jeanne, la Jeanne,
Être mère de trois poulpiquets,(9)
à quoi bon ?
At Jeanne’s house, our Jeanne
inn has room for folk in need of warmth and shelter
might give it the name of the inn of the Lord
there didn’t exist one already,
last one where you can walk right in
knocking, without showing white paws
Jeannes house, our Jeanne
her heart, by squeezing up tight,
Jeanne, our Jeanne,
Jeanne, our Jeanne,
address of some scalded cat
Jeanne, our Jeanne,
whom you clasp to your bosom
Jeanne, our Jeanne,
1) Son auberge est ouverte aux gens
sans feu ni lieu - There is a
play on words here with the expression "sans foi ni loi", which is an
expression meaning “outside the law”. When Brassens went to live in Jeanne’s
house, he was in hiding from the authorities. In March 1943, he had been
requisitioned for the Service de Travail Obligatoire and was forced to go to a
camp in Basdorf, Germany to
work for the German war effort. After
a year, Brassens got a pass for ten days home leave. Once back in Paris, he did a runner to
avoid returning to Germany. He was then in need of refuge, “Sans feu ni lieu”
and It was Jeanne Planche and her husband, Marcel, who offered to hide him and
look after him, as long as necessary, in their cramped little house in a narrow
cul de sac - l'impasse Florimont in the 14th arrondissement..
2) Montrer patte blanche - This a
reference to the French fairy tale, in which Mother Goat, on leaving for
market, tells her children not to open the door, unless whoever calls is able
to show a white paw under the door – for fear of the wolf.
3) On est n'importe qui, on vient
n'importe quand,- Et, comme par miracle, par enchantement, - On fait partie de
la famille (Lines 8-10). Section C of my biography of the
relationship of Brassens and Jeanne (See below) tells how Brassens came to be so
completely at home with her – for so long!
4) Elle est pauvre et sa table est
souvent mal servie (Line 14) Section C of my biography of Brassens and Jeanne
(See below) tells of the poverty that they lived in, in the Impasse Florimont
and the privations of war.
5) Son pain - In fact the bread that
Jeanne would have served in her home from 1940 to about 1947 was the grey or
black French bread of the war years.
6) On la paie quand on peut des prix
mirobolants : - Un baiser sur son front ou sur ses cheveux blancs, - Un
semblant d'accord de guitar (lines
20- 22)- Section C of my
biography of Brassens and Jeanne (See below)tells how little she expected and
received in return for her hospitality.
7) Un chat échaudé - Un chien tout crotté. Jeanne
had an immense love of animals and crowded their inadequate home with strays
that she had taken pity on. In
his song of seven years earlier,“La cane de Jeanne”, Brassens had teased her
about her excessive emotion on the death of her pet duck.
8) In the days when parents were uneasy
about giving their children lessons in human biology, British parents, when
asked by their child how babies were made, replied
that new babies were found under gooseberry bushes and French parents replied that
new boy babies were found under cabbages and new girl babies under roses.
9) Poulpiquet – Larousse tells me that
the strict meaning of this word is “an infant not yet weaned”, but adds that in
common speech there is a pejorative sense of a child of unruly character.
Biographical links in the poem
I started to write about the biographical links in this poem, I found that I
was practically writing a full biography, but in a fragmentary and
inconsequential form. I
therefore decided to write a full story of Brassens and Jeanne’s relationship,
to which I could refer some quotations in my translation notes above.
I have put this biography on a
separate posting. To access
this please click:
The songs in my collection that
tell of his life with Jeanne
This song “Jeanne” is the fourth
Brassens song in this collection that refers to his life at the house of his
very great friend, Mme Jeanne Planche. The dates when the four songs appeared
1) 1954 – “La
cane de Jeanne”, in the album
- Les amoureux des bancs publics. This
song was written, therefore, just a couple of years after Brassens began to
have success with his music and achieve some earnings.
2) 1955 – “Chanson
pour l'auvergnat”, in the album of the same name. The man from the
Auvergne, to whom the song was dedicated, was her husband, Marcel, but she has
her own verse in it.
3) 1955 – “Auprès
de mon arbre”. This song was also in the album - Chanson pour l'auvergnat,
and includes a description of his life of total bliss in his slum accommodation.
4) 1961 – “Jeanne”, in the album - Les trompettes de la renommée. After the publication of this
song, Brassens was to live on another five years in Jeanne’s house until the
death of Marcel Planche, in 1966, when Jeanne decided to remarry.
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songs in albums
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